By Hannah Nepilova

Published: Thursday, 04 January 2024 at 17:06 PM

Some people will tell you that the only songs worth hearing are those about love, politics and death. When it comes to the latter, there’s certainly no shortage to be had: death has always preoccupied composers and musicians, many of whom have found powerful and original ways of coming to terms with the idea of mortality through music. But which are the most powerful examples? Here are our top ten songs about death.

Best songs about death

1. Mahler’s ‘Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen’ from Rückert-Lieder

One of the last works that Mahler ever composed, this song is considered by many to be his farewell letter to life. It is certainly one of his most personal musical statements, painting a portrait of a solitary figure, withdrawing from all the turmoil of the world with which he used ‘to waste so much time.’

Looked at in isolation, the words come across as pretty bleak and regretful. In combination with the music however, they capture the richness of isolation, as well the sense of peace that comes with simply letting go.