By Hannah Nepilova

Published: Wednesday, 20 March 2024 at 16:47 PM

Since performing in the final of the 2016 BBC Young Musician of the Year competition, Ben Goldscheider has established himself as one of Britain’s leading horn players. Still only 25, he has given recitals at venues ranging from Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw to London’s Royal Albert Hall, and was an ECHO Rising Star for the 2021-2022 season. We sat down with him and he ran us through what he believes to be the best horn concertos in the instrument’s repertoire. Without further ado, over to Ben!

Best horn concertos

Britten: Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings

Dennis Brain, for whom this was written, wanted a horn concerto, but he got this piece. To this day, nobody has really succeeded in emulating its form. Each movement is a character study on a different facet of the horn: in some movements it acts as a commentator on the text; at other moments it bursts forth, for example in the ‘Dirge‘ where the fortissimo horn melody totally obliterates the voice. So, Britten understands what the horn is as a symbol and treats it in a unique way.