By Freya Parr

Published: Tuesday, 27 February 2024 at 15:31 PM

What is a prepared piano?

Cutlery, metal screws, bits of plastic and rubber. Not your usual accessories for a concert pianist. Unless, that is, you’re an artist exploring the inventive world of the prepared piano. Then, these everyday items take on new meaning. A prepared piano is one that has been temporarily altered by placing objects inside the instrument, between or on its strings. The sound, character, timbre and tuning of the piano can all be altered in this way, and an array of percussive and unexpected effects created. John Cage wasn’t the very first composer to come up with the idea of preparing a piano, but his work cemented the concept’s place in music history – and it’s a technique still used by artists today, including Hauschka in his 2005 album The Prepared Piano.