By Oliver Condy

Published: Wednesday, 17 January 2024 at 13:37 PM

The organ has a reputation for being loud and brash, but it’s also capable of the most ethereal, mysterious and beautiful sounds you’ll find anywhere on earth. However, which are the world’s finest organs? Here are six for starters.

Best organs in the world

The organ at the Cathedral of St Ouen, Rouen in France

Builder: Aristide Cavaillé-Coll

Considered to be one of the most important organs in France, this huge four-manual instrument is often used to record music by Vierne and Widor. Variously neglected and rebuilt from the 17th to the 19th centuries, it was eventually completely rebuilt by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll in 1888 and inaugurated by the great French organist Charles-Marie Widor two years later.

Today it remains almost exactly as Cavaillé-Coll intended and is considered one of the most beautiful of the French late-19th-century ‘symphonic’ period. There are two mighty en chamade ranks of pipes jutting horizontally out of the main case. And they’re loud…