Our round up of the best and most famous Ukrainian folk songs

By Hannah Nepilova

Published: Thursday, 23 February 2023 at 12:00 am

Given that there are around 200,000 Ukrainian folk songs, choosing our top ten is quite a challenge. Still, we’ve done our best to  convey the richness and variety of the Ukrainian folk tradition – a tradition central to the country’s culture. Check out our list and see if there are any important songs that you think are missing.

Best Ukrainian folk songs

Ty zh mene pidmanula

This cheeky folk song, which translates as ‘you tricked me and let me down’, probably wins first prize for popularity. It’s about a man complaining to his girlfriend who has promised to meet him somewhere every day of the week, but has failed to turn up each time. Upbeat, fast and catchy, it has been performed and arranged by many singers and groups in and outside of Ukraine.