We reflect on some of our favourite pieces for this most beautiful – though historically unfairly dismissed – stringed instrument

By Charlotte Smith

Published: Monday, 06 February 2023 at 12:00 am

Ah, the viola. An unjustly treated instrument, if ever there was one. It is thought that jokes about viola players actually originate from the 18th century, when viola parts were often rather pedestrian, and as a result talented musicians were more enticed by other instruments, leaving weaker players to take on the viola.

Sadly, those jokes still kick around today, though the instrument’s reputation has improved considerably over the last 50 years, thanks in no small part to a wealth of formidable players stepping into the spotlight.

There are many wonderful viola works worth listening to. Read on to immerse yourself in this beautiful instrument’s lyrical possibilities…

Best viola music

Walton Viola Concerto

Walton’s terrific Concerto was written in 1929 for English violist Lionel Tertis – as many viola works were at the time – though he promptly pooh-poohed it, handing premiere duties over to composer and fellow viola player Paul Hindemith (see below). It’s hard to understand Tertis’s complaint that it was too ‘modernist’, as the work is overtly lyrical and mischievous, with moments of breathtaking beauty.