Scientists are beginning to unravel the layers of ancient history preserved within this pristine lunar soil sample, which has been vacuum sealed for 50 years. The sample was collected by the Apollo 17 astronauts in 1972. They hammered a thin, cylindrical sample-collection device (called a drive tube) into a landslide deposit from the Taurus-Littrow Valley, in the Moon’s northern hemisphere. They then sealed it up before returning to Earth.
But extracting the sample from the tube was a tricky operation. When the sample was collected, the temperature was very cold, so there was the potential for volatiles and lunar gases to be preserved. The team needed to find a way to collect this precious gas, as well as the solids.
Prior to opening, CT scans were taken, high-resolution 3D images were created, and several dry runs were carried out to ensure the operation went without a hitch.