Don’t be surprised if robots purchased to provide home security quickly become part of the family

Multinational tech giant Amazon recently released a household robot named Astro. The robot, currently available by invitation only, puts Amazon’s virtual assistant, Alexa, into a dog-sized body with wheels that roams around your living space. Astro’s primary function is home security. But, just like real dogs have gone from guarding our property to being part of the family, the role household robots play may eventually become one of companionship.

Futurists have long promised the arrival of robots in our homes, but so far, few have made it. Single-task devices, such as robot vacuums, are popular, as are virtual assistants. But Hollywood’s vision of all-purpose robot aides remains elusive.

There are a few reasons why the home robot landscape is still so barren. One is cost, another is expectations. Science fiction, pop culture and misleading product promotion videos have given consumers the impression that robots are more capable than the current state-of-the-art can deliver. Furthermore, reliable, safe and useful robots are difficult to make, which means they’re expensive – more expensive than most people are willing (or able) to pay.

These barriers, although real, are temporary. Development costs are decreasing and interactions with robots will improve as the technology develops. For example, recent breakthroughs in language learning models will soon enable much more satisfying conversations with AI agents. But the main challenge is figuring out what home robots are for. After all, consumers need a reason to want them.

Amazon is pitching Astro as a home security robot. Owners can use Astro to snoop around while they’re out, connect it to other security devices and even have it patrol for intruders. And Astro isn’t alone: last year, Amazon announced a flying drone that pairs with its security system to monitor your home.

This selling point is worrisome. Robots, equipped with cameras, microphones and sensors, have the ability to send information back to their manufacturers. This data can be shared with law enforcement, advertisers and other third parties. Many robots also use facial recognition, which is known to embed racial biases. But even if companies like Amazon put steps in place to protect user privacy, home security simply isn’t the ideal application for a robot like Astro.

Named after the dog in the classic sci-fi cartoon The Jetsons, Astro is also built to interact on a social level. It has animated eyes, makes adorable sounds and has killer dance moves. It’s no small feat to design these features, so why go to the trouble? Today, social robots that are predominantly intended as companions still lack a major market because people don’t see why they would want one. But for those of us who work in human-robot interaction, it’s clear: people can value a robot primarily for its companionship.

“Even if companies like Amazon put steps in place to protect user privacy, home security simply isn’t the ideal application for a robot like Astro”

Take Jibo, a social robot launched in 2017. When the Pixar-lamp-reminiscent robot couldn’t make it commercially, many people who had a Jibo were devastated. They wrote letters, formed communities, and grieved the loss of their robot friend. The response showed that a home robot, initially purchased as a novelty item, could become much more. But as of yet, there hasn’t been a critical mass of people exposed to these sorts of devices.

If you worry that this means replacing your human friends, consider pets. Animals are our companions – not as a replacement for other people, but as a supplement. And interestingly, before dogs became our snuggle buddies, they had a different job. It turns out that a guardian for the home was an easier sell than convincing people they needed a four-legged friend. Over time, dog ownership moved away from this practical justification and canines became part of the family.

Similarly, the use for home robots may change over time, as people purchase them for practical reasons and discover a companionship they didn’t anticipate. These relationships could be useful: loneliness, a major societal concern, is correlated with early mortality and a slew of mental and physical health problems. Neither animals nor robots can fix societal issues, but they might help people feel a little less alone.

That said, dogs don’t tell others your secrets, so one can only hope that companies are willing (or compelled) to pivot away from mass data collection. It’s a tall order to ensure that the technology benefits society rather than corporate interests, but whether we like it or not, the era of robot companions is definitely coming.


(@grok_) Kate is a researcher at the MIT Media Lab, studying human-robot interaction. Her book is The New Breed (£20, Penguin).