Pollinators keep planet Earth alive. More than 70 per cent of the vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts that we eat are pollinated by bees. But they, like all insects, are declining in numbers, due to things like habitat loss, climate change and pesticides.
This high-tech beehive hopes to improve the health of bee colonies. Using artificial intelligence, it can keep temperature and humidity levels optimum and monitor for deadly pests or other problems, like a colony about to swarm.
The autonomous hive, created by Beewise, can hold up to 48 colonies at once, which is between one and two million bees.
“It’s as if every bee had her own beekeeper, 24/7,” explains CEO Saar Safra. “Unfortunately, the number of beekeepers is dwindling. There simply isn’t enough labour to address bees’ needs.”
But with the help of the AI hive, beekeepers can keep colonies happier, healthier and honey-er!