The eyes have it

Two front-facing eyes works well for us but not for everything else. These animals have some bizarre and beautiful eyes that let them see the world in very different ways…

Future cities

Green, friendly and clean: How we could reimagine urban life after the pandemic

The new age of fusion

For decades, the technology to develop clean, safe fusion power has remained tantalisingly out of reach. Now, though, a new breed of start-ups could have cracked it at last.

Why are people who humblebrag so annoying?

Why are people who humblebrag so annoying? LILY WILLIAMS, LONDON The definitive research on the topic remains a 2018 paper by psychologists at the University of North Carolina and Harvard Business School. They identified that there are two types of humblebragger and that the most annoying kind is the complainbragger. They say things like, “I […]

Do dogs actually enjoy their food when they eat so fast?

Do dogs actually enjoy their food when they eat so fast? EMMA BRANDON, ANGLESEY Ask your dog! He or she will almost certainly respond with an enthusiastic tail wag. Flavour is the combined effect of taste in the mouth and smell in the nose. Dogs can detect savoury, sweet and bitter tastes, and although they […]

How far does my computer mouse move?

How far does my computer mouse move? PAUL MOORE, CAMBRIDGE I can’t tell you how far your mouse moves, but I can tell you the distance that mine moved because I installed a little app that measured every last centimetre. In one continuous hour of working, my mouse moved 123.76 metres. For an entire week, […]

Is there such a thing as left brain vs right brain?

Is there such a thing as left brain vs right brain? ADAM JARRETT, IPSWICH You may have heard the saying that people are either ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’, meaning that one of the two brain hemispheres is dominant. Right-brained people are often described as creative and artistic, whereas left-brained people are thought of as analytical and […]