Dear doctor…
Which dinosaur would have the best chance of surviving (or thriving) in today’s modern world?
WHICH DINOSAUR WOULD HAVE THE BEST CHANCE OF SURVIVING (OR THRIVING) IN TODAY’S MODERN WORLD? MEL CARTER, VIA EMAIL Dinosaurs do live today: as birds. Birds evolved from dinosaurs, and are part of the dinosaur family tree, so technically some dinosaurs did survive the asteroid impact 66 million years ago, by virtue of their fast […]
Crowdscience: Why are fish fish-shaped?
Astronomy for beginners
Are there any benefits to using a daytime SAD lamp?
ARE THERE ANY BENEFITS TO USING A SAD LAMP? LISA SEYMOUR, DURHAM Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. The exact cause isn’t fully understood, but it’s often linked to reduced exposure to sunlight during shorter days. Some people find that a light box, called […]
How does Radiocarbon dating work?
HOW DOES RADIOCARBON DATING WORK? 1 High-energy cosmic rays, in the form of neutrons, strike nitrogen atoms in the upper atmosphere and convert them to the radioactive isotope of carbon, which is carbon-14 (also known as radiocarbon). This quickly oxidises to create mildly radioactive carbon dioxide. About 1.1 per cent of the carbon atoms on […]
What is biphasic sleep?
WHAT IS BIPHASIC SLEEP? MARK BRADY, MANCHESTER Biphasic sleep refers to that which is taken in two phases within a 24-hour period. Examples of biphasic sleep include taking a nap during the day before sleeping again at night. Another example is of waking during the night for a period before falling asleep again. In certain […]
What is the Magnus effect?
WHAT IS THE MAGNUS EFFECT? ADRIAN FLINT, VIA EMAIL When David Beckham curled a free kick into the goal against Greece to take England into the quarter-finals in the 2001 World Cup, he was exploiting the Magnus effect. A ball that is kicked head-on travels with the air flowing past it symmetrically in all directions. […]
Where were the atoms I am made of 100, 1,000, 1,000,000 years ago?
QUESTION OF THE MONTH WHERE WERE THE ATOMS I AM MADE OF 100, 1,000, 1,000,000 YEARS AGO? PETER JACKSON, CORNWALL Four elements account for 96 per cent of your mass: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. Oxygen makes up over 61 per cent of your mass, compared with hydrogen at just 10 per cent, but hydrogen […]
Could you port your mind into another body?
The Avatar sequel is out this month, in which lead character Jake Sully has left his human body behind…