2022 in science

This year, the news headlines have been dominated by UK politics, the energy crisis and the Ukrainian war. But there have been some fascinating scientific discoveries too. Here’s the proof…

Christmas wishlist

Okay, so it’s hard to get in the Christmas spirit when energy prices are nearing the point where it might be more efficient just to set the cash on fire, and the economy looks like it’s been shoved down the stairs in some grisly act of mercy. But that doesn’t stop us daydreaming does it? Here’s our wishlist of gifts that have driven us to distraction as we near the festive period

Why do lift rides with strangers feel so awkward?

Why do lift rides with strangers feel so awkward? HANNAH WADE, BIRMINGHAM Much of it has to do with personal space. A study by the University of Wroclaw in Poland asked people around the world at what distance they found the physical presence of a stranger to be uncomfortable. People in England were in the […]