By Helen Pilcher

Published: Thursday, 07 October 2021 at 12:00 am

It has an awesome name, with an attitude to match. The sarcastic fringehead is a big-mouthed, bolshy blenny that lives in the temperate coastal waters of California and Mexico’s Baja California.

These strange fish hang out in their ocean floor dens, which can be burrows, empty shells or even discarded plastic bottles. Males reverse in, bottom first, then defend their territories from other sarcastic fringeheads by dropping caustic one-liners. Only joking! Riled individuals actually face-off by slamming their huge, open mouths together.

Laterally-splayed jawbones and sail-like cheek membranes reveal a purple tongue, a double row of teeth, and a fluorescent yellow mouth rim. They look part fish, part Demogorgon from Stranger Things.