High-tech hive

BEIT HAEMEK, ISRAEL Pollinators keep planet Earth alive. More than 70 per cent of the vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts that we eat are pollinated by bees. But they, like all insects, are declining in numbers, due to things like habitat loss, climate change and pesticides. This high-tech beehive hopes to improve the health of […]

Lost cities

LLANOS DE MOJOS, BOLIVIA For centuries, legends have told of ancient cities lost in the Amazon rainforest, luring explorers and treasure seekers. Now, massive urban landscapes have been uncovered – using helicopters kitted out with the remote sensing technology LIDAR. Hidden among the dense vegetation, a number of remarkable settlements thought to have belonged to […]


CONVERSATION YOUR OPINIONS ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND BBC SCIENCE FOCUS LETTER OF THE MONTH WRITE IN AND WIN! The writer of next issue’s Letter Of The Month wins an Oclean X Pro Elite Smart Electric Toothbrush. With a speed of 42,000rpm, this electric toothbrush, complete with an easy-to-read touchscreen and 32 intensity settings, is sure […]