Is it true that you can bite through a human finger as easily as a carrot?

Is it true that you can bite through a human finger as easily as a carrot? RYAN YOUNG, MIDDLESBROUGH Definitely not. Go and get a carrot from the fridge now and try it yourself. Bite the carrot and then bite your own finger just as hard. It will hurt, but you won’t even break the […]
Should I take my shoes off inside the house?

Should I take my shoes off inside the house? STEPHANIE LEE, BRISTOL Keep them on, if you can stomach knowing what they carry on their soles. Tests have shown that shoes carry a host of faecal bacteria – including E. coli – which could come from the floors in public toilets as well as from […]
What’s on the other side of a black hole?

What’s on the other side of a black hole? KAREN SCOTT-MARTINET, NEW HAMPSHIRE A black hole is defined by its ‘event horizon’, the imaginary membrane that marks the point of no return for in-falling light and matter. If the Sun were to become a black hole – which is impossible since it is not massive […]
Given the immense time period that dinosaurs existed for, why did none of them develop sentience?

QUESTION OF THE MONTH: Given the immense time period that dinosaurs existed for, why did none of them develop sentience? PAMELA FLOWER, VIA EMAIL One thing that sets humans apart from other animals – as far as we know – is that we are sentient. Not only do we have large brains and keen intelligence, […]
The Explainer: Tinnitus

How does Thor’s hammer work?

Is it security coded, or is it simply tampering with physics?