Do dogs get tired wagging their tail?

Do dogs get tired wagging their tail? SHAUN GARDNER Like all essential doggy business, such as breathing, barking and begging for treats, tail wagging uses energy. When a dog is happy, knows it, and really wants to show it, muscle cells in the tail produce the energy that is needed via a process called aerobic […]

Crowd science: Why do we get bored?

CROWDSCIENCE: WHY DO WE GET BORED? Every week on BBC World Service, CrowdScience answers listeners’ questions on life, Earth and the Universe. Tune in every Friday evening on BBC World Service, or catch up online at Boredom is like an annoying itch that flares up when you know you want to do something other […]

Why does leftover pizza taste so good?

Why does leftover pizza taste so good? PHIL BLACK, OXFORD A night in the fridge gives strong pizza flavours time to merge and mellow in a satisfying way. The pizza keeps its structure when cold, with the tomato layer preventing fat in the cheese topping from seeping into the dough base. Pizza temperature affects taste […]

How do Milankovitch cycles affect climate?

How do Milankovitch cycles affect climate? JAMES EDWARDS Earth has a long history of episodic alternation between glacial and interglacial periods. And so far, these alternations are best explained by periodic deviations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, called Milankovitch cycles. These cycles cause regular variations in the amount of heat we receive from the […]

How does nuclear fusion work?

How does nuclear fusion work? MARK BROWN, IPSWICH Nuclear fusion is the process by which stars, including the Sun, generate their energy. In a fusion reaction, atomic nuclei ‘fuse’ together to form heavier nuclei. For this to happen, the nuclei need to have enough energy to overcome the repulsive force they experience because they are […]

How is coal formed?

How is coal formed? Coal is a non-renewable energy source that can be burned for fuel and is used to generate electricity. Burning it adds a huge amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and it’s the single biggest contributor to human-made climate change. Under current plans, the UK aims to phase-out unabated coal-fired power […]

What is watermelon snow?

What is watermelon snow? CONNOR SYKES Otherwise known as glacier blood, watermelon snow is found worldwide in mountains and polar regions. The pink-red snow has a faintly fruity smell but is reported to have laxative effects if eaten. The watermelon colour comes from freshwater green algae called Chlamydomonas nivalis. In summer, the algae produce a […]

How did dinosaurs sleep?

How did dinosaurs sleep? ROWENA BROSNAN, MANCHESTER As strange as it might be to imagine, dinosaurs would have slept. Would they lie down, or sleep standing up? Would they take quick rests or long slumbers? We don’t really know the answers. But there is one dinosaur whose sleep habits are well understood: the tiny puppy-sized […]