Your best photos submitted to the magazine this month


The Crescent Nebula

Andy Weller, Sandy, Bedfordshire, 16–17 July 2021

Andy says: “I’ve only been doing astrophotography for a year, starting during lockdown – as many people did. This target always appealed to me because of its jarring resemblance to a human brain just hovering in space. Its interesting layers of gasses give it an almost ghostly look and feel.”

Equipment: ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera, Celestron C11 XLT Schmidt-Cassegrain, Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro mount

Exposure: 73x 4’, gain 120

Software: PixInsight, Affinity Photo, Topaz DeNoise

Andy’s top tips: “The Crescent Nebula is full of fine detail, so try to retain as much as possible while not allowing noise (unwanted artefacts) to dominate. I spent a good third of my time on noise reduction. Because of light pollution from LED streetlights, I used a 7nm dual-narrowband filter to capture the Ha (hydrogen-alpha) and OIII (oxygen) wavelengths, and I constructed shields around my scope to create shade.

I experimented with colours by splitting out and recombining the Red, Green and Blue channels until I struck upon the look and feel I wanted. Don’t be afraid to experiment; in the worst case scenario you just start again.”

Solar prominence

Daniel Zoliro, Oklahoma, USA, 11 June 2021

Daniel says: “I’ve enjoyed the challenges of solar imaging.”

Equipment: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro camera, Astro- Tech AT115EDT apo refractor, DayStar Quark Chromosphere, Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro mount

Exposure: 1,400 frames at 46fps

Software: AutoStakkert!, Photoshop, PixInsight

The Milky Way over Maine

Prashant Naik, Maine, USA, 10 June 2021

Prashant says: “This panoramic arch is made up of 20 vertical frames stacked and blended together in Lightroom and Photoshop.”

Equipment: Nikon D810 DSLR, Nikkor 14–24mm lens, Induro CLT204 tripod

Exposure: ISO 8000, f/2.8, 15”

Software: Lightroom, Photoshop


Dmitry Ardashev, Zaprudnya, Russia, 26 July 2021

Dmitry says: “I was pleasantly surprised by this photo’s sharpness. At the time, Saturn was 15˚ above the horizon.”

Equipment: ZWO ASI462MC camera, TS-Optics UNC 10-inch Newtonian, Sky-Watcher EQ6-R mount

Exposure: 40,000 video frames at 25.88ms, best 3,000 stacked

Software: FireCapture, AutoStakkert!, AstroSurface, Photoshop

The Heart and Soul Nebulae

Simon Todd, Haywards Heath, November 2020–February 2021

Simon says: “This two-panel mosaic is the first I’ve tried with this camera. I stacked each panel and then used the ‘Mosaic Tool’ in Astro Pixel Processor to merge them into a mosaic just short of 100 megapixels.”

Equipment: ZWO ASI6200MC camera, SharpStar 15028HNT astrograph, Sky-Watcher EQ8 Pro mount

Exposure: 101x 300” per panel

Software: Sequence Generator Pro, APP (Astro Pixel Processor), PixInsight

The Sun at perihelion and aphelion

Andrei Dumitriu, Bucharest, Romania, 2 January and 5 July 2021 .

Andrei says: “The perihelion and aphelion dates printed in your January issue (in ‘The Sky Guide’ on page 44) inspired me to capture the 3 per cent size difference between the ‘two’ Suns. January’s perihelion Sun is on the left and July’s aphelion Sun is on the right.”

Equipment: ZWO ASI178MC camera, Orion ED80 apo refractor, Sky-Watcher Star Discovery mount

Exposure: 0.9ms, gain 0 (perihelion); 0.3ms, gain 97 (aphelion)

Software: AutoStakkert!, RegiStax, Photoshop

Early Perseid passing close to Jupiter

Steve Brown, Stokesley, North Yorkshire, 3 August 2021

Steve says: “Having had no luck catching early Perseid meteors, I repositioned my camera to take some shots of Jupiter. I’d just hit the shutter release on a test shot when the meteor appeared, resulting in this very lucky capture.”

Equipment: Canon 250D DSLR camera, Canon 50mm lens, Camlink TP-2800 tripod

Exposure: ISO 1600 f/2.0, 5”

Software: Photoshop

Mineral Moon

Neil Corke, Moraira, Spain, 22 July 2021

Neil says: “This was my first attempt at astrophotography and I’m really pleased with the result.”

Equipment: ZWO ASI2600MM camera, Williams Optics FLT 132 apo refractor, Paramount MX mount

Exposure: 300” video

Software: FireCapture, AutoStakkert!, PixInsight

The North America Nebula

Rachael and Jonathan Wood, Doncaster, 15 June 2021

Rachael says: “I’m a fan of the Hubble Palette, so I used a one-shot camera and an L-eNhance filter to split Ha and OIII wavelengths into individual channels; then I colourised and combined them with a green made by blending the Ha and OIII layers.”

Equipment: ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera, Sky-Watcher Evostar ED80, Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Pro mount

Exposure: 2h 10’ total

Software: Astro Pixel Processor, Photoshop


Whether you’re a seasoned astrophotographer or a beginner, we’d love to see your images. Email them to contactus@skyatnightmagazine. com. Ts&Cs: terms-and-conditions

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See Bonus Content for a gallery containing these and more of your images