Melissa Brobby interviews Joanna Piotrowska

The mystery behind how black holes could be bringing a halt to star formation is now being unravelled

The jets of high-energy material ejected from supermassive black holes may prevent gas around galaxies from cooling and accreting to form stars
How are supermassive black holes in the centres of galaxies preventing the birth of new stars?

When gas falls onto a supermassive black hole, it settles into an accretion disc due to the angular momentum present in the system. Matter in these accretion discs becomes hot, reaching temperatures of above one million degrees Centigrade. This hot gas emits high-energy radiation, which can launch ‘winds’ from the accretion disc that move at high speeds away from the black hole. These winds can potentially push gas out of galaxies – causing galactic ‘outflows’. In this way black holes with accretion discs, known together as Active Galactic Nuclei, can potentially remove the fuel needed for future star formation.

What other effects can Active Galactic Nuclei have on a galaxy?

With the help of a galaxy’s magnetic field, supermassive black holes can launch jets of highenergy, charged particles from the accretion discs along the axis of rotation of the black holes. These jets can interact with the galactic gas, injecting turbulence and heating it up. The jets extend large distances and can interact with the gas outside their home galaxies too. They heat that gas up and prevent it from cooling down to accrete onto the galaxies themselves – depriving them of star-forming fuel.

The mechanism through which black holes prevent star formation is unknown, but our research indicates that black holes are likely to kill star formation through a combination of heating and turbulence injection, which both decrease the reservoirs of gas available for star formation, and reduce the efficiency with which the gas collapses to form new stars.

How could the decrease in star formation affect a galaxy in the long term?

If a galaxy continues to decrease its star formation rate, it will eventually end up barely forming new stars at all. It will then continue to exist until previously formed stars reach the end of their stellar evolution cycles. What this means for our observations of these galaxies is that they will become dominated by old stellar populations and become ‘redder’ in their observed colour. The decrease in star formation is also associated with the loss of star-forming gas, so galaxies that are not actively forming stars have smooth light distributions.

How do supermassive black holes behave at the centres of galaxies?

We analysed the behaviour of dense, star-forming gas in two simulations – Illustris and IllustrisTNG – and compared it to observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We found that Sloan showed both gas reservoirs and star formation efficiency decreases the more massive a black hole is, but none of the simulations were a close match with the observations.

By comparing the observable predictions of different implementations of black hole physics with the observable Universe, we can either rule out or support some models for the interaction between black holes and their host galaxies, which can tell us how supermassive black holes act. If the observable Universe had been a perfect match with theoretical predictions, we would likely have a correct physical model already at hand.

What’s next for this research?

We are looking at the details of how black holes operate on a galaxy-by-galaxy basis, comparing the IllustrisTNG galaxies with observations of dense gas on a resolved scale in the ALMaQUEST survey of local galaxies. Here, we will be able to see whether the signatures of black hole operation in the simulation matches the trends in the observations. If we find striking disagreements between the simulated and observed galaxies, this will inform future theoretical models. Characterising these differences will help us to understand the details of how black holes prevent galaxies from forming stars at a range of physical scales in and around galaxies.

Joanna Piotrowska is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge whose field of research is in galaxy evolution and processes preventing star formation in galaxies