Explore the celestial sphere with our Northern Hemisphere all-sky chart

When to use this chart
1 April at 01:00 BST
15 April at 00:00 BST
30 April at 23:00 BST
On other dates, stars will be in slightly different positions because of Earth’s orbital motion. Stars that cross the sky will set in the west four minutes earlier each night.
How to use this chart
1. Hold the chart so the direction you’re facing is at the bottom.
2. The lower half of the chart shows the sky ahead of you.
3. The centre of the chart is the point directly over your head.
Sunrise/sunset in April*

Moonrise in April*

*Times correct for the centre of the UK
Lunar phases in April

For Paul Abel and Pete Lawrence’s night-sky highlights for the month, see our Virtual Planetarium at