Your best photos submitted to the magazine this month
The Rosette Nebula and the Cone Nebula
Tim Barry, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, 6, 7, 13 and 26 February 2023

Tim says: “I’ve been looking for a good target to try out US astrophotographer Chad Leader’s ‘HoSS’ palette for a while, and the area around the Rosette Nebula and the Cone Nebula has proved to be a good candidate. I like the moody, smoky look that it brings to the image, with the teal highlights in the sulphur areas. The image was shot over several nights from a Bortle 5 location just outside Milton Keynes.”
Equipment: ZWO ASI2600MC Pro camera, Samyang 135mm lens, Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Pro mount
Exposure: SII and OIII 115x 5’, Ha and OIII 55x 5’
Software: PixInsight, Photoshop
Tim’s top tips: “Using Chad Leader’s HoSS palette makes a nice change from processing in SHO and HOO. Using two dual-bandpass filters with a one-shot colour camera opens up lots of different palette choices in addition to the traditional SHO palette. I used an IDAS dual-band nebula-boosting filter (NBZ) for H-alpha and OIII, and an IDAS narrowband nebula filter (NB3) for SII and more OIII.
The HoSS palette uses a blend of H-alpha and OIII in the red channel, and SII data in both the green and blue channels. This can be achieved in PixInsight by using the PixelMath tool. The H-alpha data can also be used as a luminance layer using PixInsight’s LRGB Combination tool.”
The Monkey Head Nebula
Sara Harvey, Cork, Ireland, 5 and 25 January, 22 February 2023

Sara says: “I just upgraded my telescope and this seemed like the perfect target to get first light. After trying a few different narrowband combinations, I settled on an OHS palette.”
Equipment: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro camera, Takahashi FSQ-85ED refractor, Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Pro mount
Exposure: OIII 35x 360”, Ha 48x 360”, SII 43x 360”
Software: APP, PixInsight
Venus and Jupiter
James Robertson, Croydon, 2 March 2023

James says: “I saw the planets in a lucky gap between trees and buildings, set up very quickly, and was very happy to capture Jupiter’s moons with such a short exposure.”
Equipment: Canon 750D DSLR, Olympus Zuiko 75–150mm lens, tripod
Exposure: 3”
Software: Photoshop
NGC 1097
Massimo Di Fusco, remotely via Chilescope, Chile, 13–19 January 2023

Massimo says: “This barred spiral galaxy is very difficult to process due to the very bright nucleus. I managed to obtain a balanced result processing the nucleus and the whole galaxy in different ways and, at the end, combining it all.”
Equipment: FLI PL16803 camera, ASA RC-1000 Ritchey–Chrétien, ASA altaz mount
Exposure: Ha 7x 600”, L 22x 600”, RGB 7x 300”
Software: APP, PixInsight, Photoshop
The Sombrero Galaxy
Dan Crowson, remotely via Telescope Live, El Sauce Observatory,Chile, August–September 2022

Dan says: “M104, the Sombrero Galaxy, 28 million lightyears away, is one of my favourite galaxies. It was one of the first that I attempted to image from my backyard near Saint Louis, Missouri in the US.”
Equipment: QHYCCD QHY600M camera, PlaneWave CDK24 astrograph, Mathis MI-1000 mount
Exposure: 7.8h total
Software: PixInsight, Photoshop
The Sun
David Hoskin, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 15 February 2023

David says: “A clear sky and temperature well above freezing was all the encouragement I needed to image the always fascinating photosphere and chromosphere of our nearest star.”
Equipment: Player One Apollo-M Mini camera, Orion ST80A reflector (white light, left), Lunt 40mm solar scope (Ha, right), Baader solar filter, Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer mount
Exposure: 0.062ms, 2ms, 4,000 frames per video
Software: AutoStakkert!
The Moon, with a Boeing 737
John Tipping, Northwich, Cheshire, 11 June 2022

John says: “I was lucky to catch an aircraft passing by – it was a Ryanair Boeing 737 going from Malaga to Edinburgh.”
Equipment: Canon 700D DSLR, Sky-Watcher SkyMax 180 Pro Maksutov, iOptron iEQ45 Pro mount
Exposure: 12,000 frames
Software: RegiStax, FastStone Image Viewer
The California Nebula
Neil Corke, Castilléjar, Spain, January–February 2023

Neil says: “I chose this nebula as I’d just upgraded to a full-frame camera and could fit it in the field of view with my Takahashi refractor. I used narrowband filters and processed it in the SHO Hubble palette, resulting in a colourful rainbow-like image.”
Equipment: Moravian C3-61000 Pro camera, Takahashi FSQ-106 refractor, Software Bisque Paramount MX+ mount
Exposure: 49h total
Software: PixInsight, Photoshop
Whether you’re a seasoned astrophotographer or a beginner just starting out, we’d love to see your images. Send them to us at
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