Ezzy Pearson rounds up the latest astronomical accessories
1 Antlia OAG and filter drawer
Price £272 • Supplier 365 Astronomy www.365astronomy.com

Simplify your astrophotography setup with this device that combines an off-axis guider (OAG) and a filter drawer system. The OAG has a 12mm prism with an adjustable height, while the filter slide comes with several adaptors to fit filters up to 50mm wide.
2 Constellation plate
Price £20 • Supplier Truly www.truly.co.uk

Bring the heavens to your table with this plate depicting 13 constellations. Made from bone china and trimmed with 22-karat gold, it comes in both light and dark versions. A matching side plate is also available.
3 Gerd Neumann camera tilting unit XT
Price from €189.21 • Supplier Gerd Neumann www.gerdneumann.net

Align your CCD or CMOS camera more precisely with the help of this unit. Designed to cope with larger cameras, it lets you adjust the focal plane’s tilt quickly and precisely. A variety of threads are available.
4 Lowepro Tahoe backpack
Price £79 • Supplier Wex Photo Video www.wexphotovideo.com

Keep your equipment safe while you’re on the go with this well-padded backpack with a customisable layout for DSLRs, travel telescopes up to 36cm long and eyepieces. One side can be completely opened to allow easy access.
5 Altair Ha OIII dual band 6nm CMOS filter
Price £299 • Supplier Altair Astro www.altairastro.com

ADVANCED As well as helping to increase the contrast of nebulae for both observing and photography, this filter cuts down moonlight and light pollution to give excellent views in both H-alpha and OIII.
6 William Optics smartphone holder
Price £119 • Supplier The Widescreen Centre www.widescreen-centre.co.uk

For quick and easy photos with your smartphone through your telescope’s eyepiece, this new holder will keep your camera in perfect alignment. Comes with a 72˚ eyepiece and can also be used to attach your smartphone to a tripod.