Our month-by-month guide to locating the planets throughout 2024

By Pete Lawrence

Published: Wednesday, 26 June 2024 at 07:41 AM

If you want to know what planets are visible in the night sky tonight, this guide is for you.

Here we’ll reveal what the planets are doing in the night sky throughout 2024, month by month, and which planets are not visible.

If you want to get out and see the planets tonight, you may be wondering where to start.

Finding and observing the planets of the Solar System in the night sky isn’t as tricky as you think. You just need to know where to look.

A panorama showing the Milky Way (centre) and planets. Mars is bright to the left, Saturn is dimmer and bright Jupiter is right. The arcing line joining the planets defines the arc of the ecliptic. Credit: Alan Dyer / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images

To find out what planets are in the sky tonight, jump to:

Planets in 2024

After a rocky start, the planets reappear with style in late July 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence
After a rocky start, the planets reappear with style in late July 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence

The planets tease us early in 2024, when initially well-placed Jupiter and Uranus eventually succumb to evening twilight in March.

The other superior planets are lost in the Sun’s glare. Morning Venus heads back towards the Sun at the start of 2024, lost from view in March.

However, as we head into spring the planets are rather poor. In May, it’s unlikely you’ll see any planet with the naked eye.  

If planets are your thing, it may be best to get some rest in the first half of the year because the second half of 2024 will be planetary heaven.

Saturn reappears, approaching 30° altitude when due south and appearing quite edge-on through the eyepiece.

This causes interesting interactions with its largest moon Titan at the end of 2024. Saturn reaches opposition on 8 September 2024

Jupiter will be back in spectacular fashion later in 2024, appearing 60° above the horizon when due south and reaching opposition on 7 December.

Mars and Venus also burst back on the scene later in the year, Venus in the evening sky, while Mars heads for opposition in January 2025.

There are two rare lunar occultations of planets to look forward to as well: Saturn on 21 August and Mars on 18 December. 

Tips for spotting planets in the night sky tonight

When a planet is in a favourable position in the evening or morning sky, it will look like a bright ‘star’, the most obvious point of light visible to the naked eye.

Any visible planets tonight can be found along the ecliptic, which is the line the Sun appears to traverse in the sky over the course of a day.

Since the major planets of the Solar System orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, the ecliptic marks the path of the planets.

Is it bright, but on the wrong side of thesky to the ecliptic? Then it’s not a planet.

Mars at opposition can be a wonderful sight, even with the naked eye. But through a telescope you'll see so much more. Credit: Pete Lawrence
Mars at opposition can be a wonderful sight, even with the naked eye. But through a telescope you’ll see so much more. Credit: Pete Lawrence

Another thing to consider is what planets are at or are near opposition, which is the best time to see a planet in the night sky.

If there’s a planet near opposition tonight, that’s the one to look for, as long as it’s nice and high in the sky too

For more advice, read our guide on how to find planets in the night sky.

And download an astronomy and stargazing app to help you locate any planets visible in the night sky.

If you’re out spotting visible planets tonight, don’t forget to let your eyes adapt to the dark first.

Wait 20-30 minutes without looking at any artificial light (streetlights, your smartphone etc.) and you’ll see so much more.

Once you’ve got to grips with this, all you need to know is what planets will be visible in the night each month, so you know what to look out for, and what dates they will be best placed.

Follow the planets in 2023 and you'll see different Solar System worlds each month. Jupiter, Mars and Saturn imaged at ESO's La Silla Observatory in the Atacama desert. Credit: ESO
Jupiter, Mars and Saturn imaged at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in the Atacama desert. Credit: ESO

This is where our guide below comes in. Use it throughout the coming 12 months to find out which planets are visible in the night sky in 2024, which are at opposition, and to keep track of any interesting upcoming conjunctions.

Sign up to the BBC Sky at Night Magazine e-newsletter for lunar phases and monthly astronomy highlights delivered direct to your email inbox.

You can also listen to our Star Diary podcast each week for more advice on what to see in the night sky.

If you’re out spotting the planets tonight, take a pair of headphones and listen for up-to-date stargazing tips.

Jupiter (the bright spot in the centre) appears near Saturn (8 o'clock of Jupiter) against the backdrop of the Milky Way, Pune, India, 5 May 2019. Credit: Pratham Gokhale/Hindustan Times via Getty Images
Jupiter (the bright spot in the centre) appears near Saturn (8 o’clock of Jupiter) against the backdrop of the Milky Way, Pune, India, 5 May 2019. Credit: Pratham Gokhale/Hindustan Times via Getty Images

Visible planets tonight, 2024

January 2024


Morning planet, best early January. Close encounter with Mars on 27 January.


Morning planet, slips closer to the Sun this month. 


Morning planet, hard to see well. Near Mercury on 27 January.

Comet 144P/Kushida passes through Taurus during January and February 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence
Comet 144P/Kushida passes through Taurus during January and February 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Evening planet edging into twilight by the end of January.


The Ringed Planet loses ground to the evening twilight during January.


This ice giant planet is currently well placed in the evening sky, making it one of the best planets to spot tonight.


The position of this planet deteriorates in the evening sky over the month.

February 2024


Unlikely to be seen, superior conjunction on 28 February.


Morning planet, visibility deteriorating as it approaches the Sun. 


Too low and dim to be seen properly in the morning sky this month.

Out observing the planets tonight? See if you can spot Comet 62P/Tsuchinshan 1 in January and February 2024 as it tracks from Leo through into Virgo. Credit: Pete Lawrence
Out observing the planets tonight? See if you can spot Comet 62P/Tsuchinshan 1 in January and February 2024 as it tracks from Leo through into Virgo. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Evening planet, best placed at start of month when still at decent altitude. Position deteriorates through month. 


Not viable this month, solar conjunction on 28 February.


Evening planet, losing altitude as darkness falls. Currently Close to Jupiter.


Lost in the evening twilight at the end of the month.

March 2024


Evening planet, best seen later in the month.


Lost in the morning twilight this month. 


Morning planet lost in twilight.


Hanging on in the evening sky but its visibility is deteriorating, the planet losing altitude rapidly as darkness falls.

At the end of March 2024, Comet C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS passes in front of Collinder 399. Credit: Pete Lawrence
At the end of March 2024, Comet C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS passes in front of Collinder 399. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Too close to the Sun to be seen this month.


Evening planet, deteriorating through the month. Currently lies close to Jupiter and, like its brighter companion, is losing altitude rapidly as darkness falls.


Not visible this month.

April 2024


Inferior conjunction on 11 April, best seen in the evening sky at the start of the month.


This planet is unlikely to be seen this month as it is too close to the Sun. 


Poorly placed morning planet, which is best seen at the end of the month.


This planet is unlikely to be seen this month as it becomes lost in the evening twilight.

A partial solar eclipse is visible on 8 April 2024 from western parts of the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Credit: Pete Lawrence
A partial solar eclipse is visible on 8 April 2024 from western parts of the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Morning planet but poor.


Lost to the evening glare. In conjunction with Jupiter on 20 April. 


Not visible this month.

May 2024


Unlikely to be seen this month.


Unlikely to be seen this month. 


Morning planet emerging from the Sun’s glare, best at the end of the month. A shallow ecliptic angle puts mag. +1.1 Mars close to the horizon, making it hard to find.

Asteroid 2 Pallas reaches opposition on 17 May 2024 when it can be seen against the stars of Hercules, shining at mag. 8.9. Credit: Pete Lawrence
Asteroid 2 Pallas reaches opposition on 17 May 2024 when it can be seen against the stars of Hercules, shining at mag. 8.9. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Solar conjunction on 18 May and unlikely to be seen this month.


Poor visibility in the morning sky.


Not visible this month. 


Not visible this month.

June 2024


Superior conjunction 14 June, making it one of the best planets to see tonight. Best in the evening sky at the end of June when it can be seen shining at mag. -0.5, located 10° east of Venus.


Unlikely to be seen this month. 


Improving morning planet, rises nearly three hours before sunrise at the end of June.

On 4 June 2024, Mercury and Jupiter can be seen half-a-degree apart. Credit: Pete Lawrence
On 4 June 2024, Mercury and Jupiter can be seen half-a-degree apart. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Improving morning planet, close daylight conjunction with Mercury on 4 June.


Morning planet with poor visibility.


Not visible this month. 


Not visible this month.

July 2024


Evening planet, not optimally placed. Best mid-month.


Evening planet, not easily visible at present. 


Morning planet near Jupiter. In close conjunction with Uranus on 15 July.

The end of July 2024 sees a morning gathering of the Moon and planets. Credit: Pete Lawrence
The end of July 2024 sees a morning gathering of the Moon and planets. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Improving morning planet. Impressive scenes towards end of July with Jupiter close to Mars and crescent Moon, against the stars of Taurus.


Morning planet, best visibility occurs at the end of the month.


Morning planet in conjunction with Mars on 15 July. 


Improving morning planet, best seen at end of July.

August 2024


Inferior conjunction 19 August, best in morning sky at end of month.


Evening planet, setting only 40 mins after Sun all month.


Improving morning planet, forming interesting patterns with Aldebaran and Jupiter.

A rare lunar occultation of Saturn can be seen in morning skies on 21 August. Credit: Pete Lawrence
A rare lunar occultation of Saturn can be seen in morning skies on 21 August. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Improving morning planet in Taurus. Reaching good altitude of nearly 40° under dark skies at end of month.


Improving morning planet, occulted by the Moon on 21 August.


Improving morning planet, currently near the Pleiades. 


Morning planet able to reach peak altitude, due south, in darkness from mid-August.

September 2024


Morning planet, best on 5 September. Superior conjunction 30 September.


Evening planet, improving slowly. Best at end of month.


Improving morning planet, near open cluster M35 on 9 September.

A small partial lunar eclipse occurs on the morning of 18 September, the eclipsed Moon being the Harvest Moon for 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence
A small partial lunar eclipse occurs on the morning of 18 September, the eclipsed Moon being the Harvest Moon for 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Excellent position at the end of September, reaching 60° altitude in darkness.


Opposition on 8 September, well presented all month, making Saturn among the best planets to see tonight, September 2024.


Well placed planet, able to reach 56° altitude under dark skies from mid-September.


Opposition on 21 September and visible at peak altitude under dark skies for the whole month.

October 2024


Unlikely to be seen.


Evening planet, setting 90 minutes after the Sun at the end of the month.


Well-presented morning planet currently in Gemini.


Superbly placed planet, best at the end of October when it’s able to reach its highest altitude of nearly 60° when due south, under dark skies. One of the best planets to see tonight.

The Moon crossing the Pleiades open cluster on the evening of 19 October 2024 offers a chance to see occultations. Credit: Pete Lawrence
The Moon crossing the Pleiades open cluster on the evening of 19 October 2024 offers a chance to see occultations. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Well-presented evening planet, reaching nearly 30° altitude when due south.


Well-positioned planet, able to reach peak altitude, due south, in darkness all month. 


Well-presented evening planet in Pisces, visible at peak altitude under dark skies all month.

November 2024


Evening planet, reaches greatest eastern elongation on 15 November. Not ideally placed.


Improving evening planet, setting nearly three hours after the Sun at the end of November. 


Well-placed planet. Located 2° from M44 end of month.

Titan’s shadow transits Saturn on the evenings of 4 and 20 November 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence
Titan’s shadow transits Saturn on the evenings of 4 and 20 November 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Approaching opposition and well presented in Taurus.


Well-presented evening planet in Aquarius.


Opposition on 17 November and beautifully presented all month long. 


Well-positioned evening planet that reaches peak altitude of 35° in darkness all month.

December 2024


Inferior conjunction on 6 December. Excellent morning planet at end of December.


Excellent position in the evening sky, setting over four hours after sunset by the end of December. 


Excellent planet approaching opposition next month. Daylight occultation by Moon on 18 December.

Mars will be occulted by the Moon in daylight on 18 December 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence
Mars will be occulted by the Moon in daylight on 18 December 2024. Credit: Pete Lawrence


Opposition on 7 December. Gets to 60° peak UK altitude in dark skies all month.


Well placed at the start of December.


Well-placed evening planet. 


Well-placed binocular planet for most of December.