Warp-drive technology may be science fiction, but understanding it can teach us a lot about the Universe.

By Iain Todd

Published: Wednesday, 31 July 2024 at 08:27 AM

Alien spaceships that use warp-drive technology could be detected by the gravitational waves they produce, according to a study.

If we’re interested in searching for technologically advanced species in the Galaxy that have mastered travelling at ‘warp speed’, gravitational waves detection may be the way to do it.

A staple of science fiction books, films and TV shows like Star Trek, warp-drive technology effectively enables faster-than-light travel by producing a ‘bubble’ that compresses the spacetime between a spacecraft and its destination.

“Even though warp drives are purely theoretical, they have a well-defined description in Einstein’s theory of General Relativity,” says Dr Katy Clough, the study’s lead author from Queen Mary University of London,” and so numerical simulations allow us to explore the impact they might have on spacetime in the form of gravitational waves.”

The collision of two black holes produces ripples in spacetime known as ‘gravitational waves’. Credit: Mark Garlick / Science Photo Library / Getty Images

Detecting warp drives with gravitational waves

The construction of warp drives is currently beyond humanity’s capabilities, but what about detecting other civilisations that may have mastered the concept?

The study authors say gravitational waves could be the answer.

Gravitational waves are often referred to as ‘ripples in spacetime’ because they are distortions in the fabric of time and space caused by cataclysmic events, such as two black holes colliding.

They were theorised by Albert Einstein, and the first confirmed detection of gravitational waves was announced on 11 February 2016 by David Reitze, executive director of the US Laser Interferometry Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).