From theories of early galaxies to the expansion of the Universe, JWST has fundamentally challenged what we thought we knew.

By Caroline Harper

Published: Friday, 02 August 2024 at 07:08 AM

When the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launched on Christmas Day 2021, we knew its groundbreaking capabilities had the potential to rewrite the astronomy textbooks.

And this incredible spacecraft has not disappointed. 

See the James Webb Space Telescope’s latest images

What questions will James Webb Space Telescope answer? What mysteries will it solve? Credit: Alex-Mit/iStock/Getty Images, Harikane et al

The deployment of its giant segmented mirror and sun shield went without a hitch, its science instruments are operational and exceeding expectations, and the launch trajectory was so precise that there’s fuel to maintain its orbit for many years to come. 

Right from its first observations, the James Webb Space Telescope has given astronomers new puzzles to solve and new questions to pursue.

In particular, it is challenging what we thought we knew about the early evolution of galaxies.

James Webb Space Telescope view of distant, early galaxies. Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, Simon Lilly (ETH Zürich), Daichi Kashino (Nagoya University), Jorryt Matthee (ETH Zürich), Christina Eilers (MIT), Rob Simcoe (MIT), Rongmon Bordoloi (NCSU), Ruari Mackenzie (ETH Zürich); Image Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI) Ruari Macken
James Webb Space Telescope view of distant, early galaxies. Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, Simon Lilly (ETH Zürich), Daichi Kashino (Nagoya University), Jorryt Matthee (ETH Zürich), Christina Eilers (MIT), Rob Simcoe (MIT), Rongmon Bordoloi (NCSU), Ruari Mackenzie (ETH Zürich); Image Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI) Ruari Macken

Impossible galaxies

JWST’s intriguing deep-field observations of faint light from the early, distant Universe reveal stars and galaxies that seem to be much larger than expected.

The CEERS (Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science) survey, led by Prof Steven Finkelstein of the University of Texas at Austin, used JWST’s NIRCam instrument to look back as far as the epoch of reionisation, just after the so-called dark ages of cosmic evolution, to study the structure of galaxies in the very early Universe. 

It found more of them than predicted, and they appear bigger and brighter than expected.

According to our best models of how the infant Universe developed, they aren’t supposed to be there so early or look as they do.

Early galaxies seen by the James Webb Space Telescope as part of the CEERS survey. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Steve Finkelstein (UT Austin), Micaela Bagley (UT Austin), Rebecca Larson (UT Austin)
Early galaxies seen by the James Webb Space Telescope as part of the CEERS survey. Far from looking youthfully undeveloped, some early galaxies are disc-like, like our own Milky Way. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Steve Finkelstein (UT Austin), Micaela Bagley (UT Austin), Rebecca Larson (UT Austin)

Some of the first survey results have even indicated there are mature-looking disc galaxies reminiscent of our own Milky Way present as early as 10 billion years ago.

We were expecting a more chaotic picture, with predominantly irregular galactic structures interacting violently.

JWST’s advanced resolution, coupled with its ability to observe very distant early objects in infrared, has made us think again about how soon galaxies began to form and mature.

Youthful galaxy JWST 7329 is far more massive and mature than current models say is possible. Credit: NASA / James Webb Space Telescope
Youthful galaxy JWST 7329, observed by the James Webb Space Telescope, is far more massive and mature than current models say is possible. Credit: NASA / James Webb Space Telescope

Early Universe is more mature than it should be

These findings challenge our current understanding of how the early Universe developed and pose some fascinating questions.

Were the properties of stars and galaxies in the infant Universe dramatically different to now?

Might the rate of star formation have been faster and more efficient in the early Universe?

Could the light from these early objects have been emitted in a way we’ve never seen before, because the chemical composition of the early Universe was different?

What does this mean for our best theoretical models of galaxy evolution?

Disc galaxies like our own may be where life could develop in the Universe, and we’re finding them much earlier than we thought.