Star of the month
At the river’s end, Cursa, 2nd-brightest star in Eridanus
Binocular tour
This month, we turn at a T-junction, pop into a house and admire the Christmas Tree
The Sky Guide Challenge
Can you resolve not just the Trapezium Cluster but its fainter hangers-on?
Deep-sky tour
We explore the best celestial sights around Aries, Pisces and Triangulum
At a glance
How the Sky Guide events will appear in December
How to deflect an asteroid
An epic trial run of a plan that may one day save Earth took place in September
Apollo 17
Apollo leaves its final footprints on the Moon in a mission marked by several remarkable firsts
The legacy of Apollo
50 years on, what NASA’s lunar odyssey meant for space science
Explainer: A beginner’s tour of Orion
The stunning sights anyone can enjoy in this winter constellation