By Iain Todd

Published: Monday, 31 October 2022 at 12:00 am

This year’s Hubble Halloween image is carbon star CW Leonis, a red giant with a spooky, ethereal appearance due to its being enshrouded behind a cloak of cosmic dust.

Star CW Leonis lies about 400 lightyears away in the constellation Leo.

It’s a glowing red giant star with a carbon-rich atmosphere, shedding its outer layers into space and, in the process, surrounding itself in a dense cloud of gas and dust.

The process begins when an ageing star starts to run out of the hydrogen fuel necessary to keep it going.

Once this happens, the star is no longer pushing outwards to counter the effect of its own gravity, and it begins to collapse in on itself.

A shell of plasma surrounding the star’s core heats up and the star’s outer layers expand into space, ejecting huge amounts of gas and dust as they do so.