A tour of spectacular deep-sky objects with the late Sir Patrick Moore’s pick of his personal favourites.

By Patrick Moore

Published: Thursday, 23 November 2023 at 13:52 PM

Winter is a good time for deep-sky astronomy, partly because of the long nights and partly because the winter constellations are so fascinating.

I found it quite difficult to select my favourite winter astronomy targets.

Personally I would have included the Moon, but here we concentrate upon the stellar heavens.

I have included some objects that must be familiar to almost everybody – who cannot recognise the Seven Sisters, or Orion’s sword?

I could not leave out Sirius; there are double stars, well seen with small telescopes; clusters, where binoculars come into their own.

I have also included a few objects that can be seen with modest equipment but need more power to display their full beauty.

These are my top 10 winter astronomy targets.

For more advice, read our guides to winter stars and winter constellations

Patrick Moore’s top 10 winter astronomy targets

Messier 37

M37 Cluster by Jaspal Chadha, London, UK.

M37 is the brightest of the three open clusters in Auriga; it was discovered by Charles Messier himself in 1764, and though the official integrated magnitude is below 6, I find it easy to see with the naked eye.

Binoculars show it well; it is more condensed than M36 or M38.

The brightest stars are arranged in the form of a very distorted trapezium; there are about 150 stars brighter than magnitude 12.5, and altogether there are around 500 stars in the cluster.

The age is of the order of 300 million years.


Star Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus
Star Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus

I cannot resist including Sirius, because although a pure white star it seems to flash various colours of the rainbow, and in binoculars or a telescope it is a glorious sight.

Of course all stars twinkle, but Sirius particularly so, partly because it is so brilliant and partly because from Britain it is never very high up.

The luminosity is 26 times that of the Sun; the white dwarf companion is within the range of most telescopes.

Some old records describe Sirius as red, but it is unlikely that there has been any real colour change.


Star Algieba
Gamma Leonis by STF8LZOS6, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_Leonis#/media/File:Gamma_Leonis_Algieba_orientation.jpg, CC BY-SA 4.0

Algieba is the second brightest star in the Sickle star pattern of Leo; the name comes from the Arabic Al-Jabbah (the Forehead).

It is a fine double: the orange K-type primary is of magnitude 2.28, while the G-type secondary is of magnitude 3.5, and decidedly yellowish.

As the separation is over four seconds of arc, this is a fine, easy pair: it is a binary, with a period of 619 years.

Earlier estimates gave the distance as only 90 lightyears.

The Crab Nebula

 The Crab Nebula. Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Hester, A. Loll (ASU)
The Crab Nebula. Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Hester, A. Loll (ASU)

Discovered in 1731 by John Bevis, the Crab Nebula is probably one of the most famous objects in the night sky, the remnant of the 1054 supernova.

Good binoculars will show it near Alheka (zeta (ζ) Tauri), and its wonderfully intricate detail can be recorded with really good amateur equipment, though in small telescopes it is not particularly impressive.

In its centre is its ‘powerhouse’, a neutron star with a period of 33 milliseconds.

The Pleiades

The Pleiades open star cluster
The Pleiades, as seen through a telescope. This cluster is known as ‘The Seven Sistsers’ in Greek and also Aboriginal mythology.NASA, ESA, AURA/Caltech, Palomar Observatory The science team consists of: D. Soderblom and E. Nelan (STScI), F. Benedict and B. Arthur (U. Texas), and B. Jones (Lick Obs.)

The best views of the ‘Seven Sisters’ are obtained with binoculars or a very low power on a telescope.

The brightest star is Alcyone, magnitude 2.9.

How many individual stars can you see with the naked eye on a clear night?

If you can manage a dozen, you are doing very well indeed.

The total number of cluster stars is around 500.

The hottest stars are of type B; the age is of the order of 100 million years.

The associated nebulosity is visually elusive, but not hard to photograph.

R Leonis

This is a very red Mira variable (period 312 days); for much of the time it is within the range of good binoculars.

It is about five degrees west of Regulus, making a triangle with 18 and 19 Leonis.

At maximum it is easily visible with the naked eye.

Its variability was discovered in 1782 by J Koch of Danzig; only two Mira stars were previously identified, Mira itself and R Hydrae.

Whirlpool Galaxy

The Whirlpool Galaxy, as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Credit: NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI), and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

The Whirlpool Galaxy was discovered in 1773 by Charles Messier, and its companion, NGC 5195, by Méchain eight years later.

It was the first galaxy seen to be spiral, by Lord Rosse in 1845 – at that time only the great Birr telescope could show it as a spiral, whereas now any good amateur equipment will suffice!

Both galaxies are within binocular range, not far from Alkaid in the Great Bear, across the boundary of Canes Venatici.

This may not be the best season for observing it, as it will be relatively low, but it is circumpolar and is a glorious sight.


Chart showing Castor and Pollux in Gemini. Credit: Pete Lawrence

The senior, but fainter of the two Twins; it is half a magnitude inferior to beta (Pollux).

It is a fine binary; magnitudes 1.9 and 2.9, and has a revolution period of 350 years according to recent estimates.

The pair is easily separable with a small telescope. Each is itself a spectroscopic binary, and there is a more distant member of the system, Castor C (YY Geminorum), which is also binary.

Altogether, therefore, the Castor system is made up of six stars, four bright and two dim.

Find out more about Castor and Pollux in Gemini.

Double cluster in Perseus

The Double Cluster in Perseus, Shawn Nielsen, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, DATE Equipment: QHY268M CMOS camera, Starfield Optics 8-inch astrograph, Sky-Watcher EQ6 mount
The Double Cluster in Perseus, Shawn Nielsen, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

The ‘Sword-Handle’ is superb in binoculars or very lower power on a telescope; each cluster is about 30 arcminutes across.

The beauty of the scene is enhanced by the bright red star in NGC 869, the richer of the twin clusters.

With the naked eye the two show up as a dim patch of light some way from the W of Cassiopeia.

It is a pity that both cannot be seen together with a higher magnification, but they are favourite targets for astrophotographers.

The Great Nebula in Orion

The Orion Nebula, by Kfir Simon, Tivoli Farm, Namibia, 9 August 2021
The Orion Nebula, by Kfir Simon, Tivoli Farm, Namibia, 9 August 2021

The Sword of Orion is the finest of all nebulae in our skies, though it is not far away on the cosmical scale, and is the nearest ‘stellar nursery’ where new stars are being born.

Its recognition as a nebula was first noted in 1610 by Nicholas Persec, in the very earliest days of telescopic astronomy, but no doubt it was seen much earlier, as it is clearly visible with the naked eye below the Hunter’s Belt.

Even a small telescope will show the bright nebulosity and the darker patches, together with Theta Orionis (the Trapezium), the group of stars responsible for the luminosity of the near side of the nebula.

Powerful stars lie inside, and the Hubble Space Telescope has shown protoplanetary discs (now called proplyds), thought to indicate the earliest stages of the formation of planetary systems.

The Great Nebula can be studied and admired with the naked eye, with binoculars, a small telescope or a really powerful instrument, and it is an ideal photographic subject.

I never tire of looking at it, and I have no hesitation in selecting it as my favourite stellar object in the winter sky.