We report from the Vera Rubin Observatory in Chile, where the largest camera ever built will soon start shooting the ultimate space movie: an ultra-wide, ultra-high-definition record of the southern sky.


Published: Tuesday, 13 August 2024 at 08:15 AM

Chile’s Elqui Valley hides a secret door to the stars.

A narrow highway heads east through the region’s fertile carpet of green dedicated to producing grapes for both wine and Chile’s famous Pisco brandy.

I found myself making my way along a dirt road beside one of the region’s many vineyards.

After using the proper paperwork to pass through the checkpoint, I travelled along 20 miles of mountain passes to the summit of Cerro Pachón.

Here is the Gabriela Mistral Dark Sky Sanctuary, which numbers among the darkest and driest places on Earth.

View of Rubin Observatory at sunset in May 2024, on Cerro Pachón in Chile. Credit: Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

On a mountain ridge 2,700m above sea level is the new home to one of astronomy’s most important new facilities, the Vera C Rubin Observatory.

It’s been taking shape here since 2015 and, from 2025, is set to change astronomy forever.

Rubin Observatory is not alone on the mountain­side.

A few miles before the ridge is a turn-off to the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, while just beyond it is the 8.1-metre (26.5ft) Gemini South telescope.

Beyond that, the 4.1-metre (13.4ft) SOAR (Southern Astrophysical Research) telescope.

It’s a breathtaking place to be – in more ways than one, thanks to the thin air at such altitude.

Even getting out of the car too quickly was enough to make me dizzy.

Like another recent arrival, I’d come to take a look around.

But while I was here to explore the observatory, this new addition will be the one taking in the night sky above.

The biggest camera in the world, the 3,200-megapixel Rubin Observatory camera will record an extraordinarily detailed timelapse view of our Universe over 10 years. Credit: J. Ramseyer Orrell/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
The biggest camera in the world, the 3,200-megapixel Rubin Observatory camera will record an extraordinarily detailed timelapse view of our Universe over 10 years. Credit: J. Ramseyer Orrell/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

The camera

In late May this year, the world’s largest camera arrived at the Rubin Observatory.

The camera has taken a decade to build at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, California.

It’s about the size of a car and cost $168 million (£132 million), funded by the US Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

With a 64cm-wide (2ft) focal plane covered in 189 individual 16-megapixel CCD sensors, its images will be a whopping 3,200 megapixels.

A single image taken using this camera is large enough to fill 378 4K ultra-HD TV screens.

That level of detail is essential because the telescope’s field of view will be 9.6 square degrees, seven times wider than the diameter of the full Moon.

It adds up to a vast ‘eye on the sky’, whose power is equivalent to seeing a golf ball from about 24km (15 miles) away.

Diagram showing how the Rubin Observatory camera works.
Inside the world’s biggest camera: after bouncing off the telescope’s three mirrors, light reaches three fused-silica lenses, the largest being the 1.55-metre (5ft) front lens

The telescope

At the heart of the Rubin Observatory sits the Simonyi Survey Telescope.

The team at the observatory are preparing the telescope, ensuring everything is in place for the largest astronomy camera ever built to be mounted on it in November 2024.

The camera will record the sky as part of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), a hugely ambitious project to produce the largest astronomical movie of all time.

“It’s going to image the whole southern sky once every three to four nights, taking around 800 30-second exposures per night,” says Sandrine Thomas, deputy director for Rubin construction for AURA, which operates and builds observatories on behalf of the US National Science Foundation. 

“By the end of the 10-year survey, we’ll have about 800 observations of each 9.6-square-degrees field of the southern sky.

After each 30-second exposure, it will move to the next field in five seconds, so from the beginning of one exposure to the next is only about 39 seconds.”

On July 24, 2024, Rubin Observatory's 3.5-meter secondary mirror was installed onto the Simonyi Survey Telescope. Credit: Rubin Observatory/NSF/AURA/F. Munoz Arancibia
On July 24, 2024, Rubin Observatory’s 3.5-meter secondary mirror was installed onto the Simonyi Survey Telescope. Credit: Rubin Observatory/NSF/AURA/F. Munoz Arancibia

The science

The speed and accuracy of the survey will allow astronomers to study the Universe as it changes in real time, from night to night.

This is time-domain astronomy, the study of sources of light that vary over time. That includes events that appear and fade over seconds, hours, days or even years.

It’s here primarily to probe some of the Universe’s biggest mysteries, notably the nature of dark energy and dark matter.

The same dataset will be uniquely suited to a broad range of other astronomy too.

By the time the LSST project is over, it will have catalogued about 40 billion celestial objects, including interstellar comets and asteroids, free-floating stars, billions of galaxies and millions of supernovae.

“Only a handful of supernovae have ever been observed in our galaxy, but LSST will be a supernova factory,” says Leanne Guy, data management scientist at Rubin Observatory. 

“We’ll also detect 50–90% of all potentially hazardous asteroids that are larger than 140 metres (460ft), which could be more than five million asteroids in the 10-year survey,” she enthuses.

“It will be revolutionary for science.”

LSST camera in the LSST clean room on 16 January 2024. Credit: Jacqueline Ramseyer Orrell/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
LSST camera in the LSST clean room on 16 January 2024. Credit: Jacqueline Ramseyer Orrell/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

How it will observe

For once, this is not a new observatory you can judge by the size of its mirror.

With an 8.4-metre-diameter (27.5ft) primary mirror, the Simonyi Survey Telescope has a smaller light-collecting area than Hawaii’s Keck Observatory, and even Rubin’s near-neighbour, Gemini South. But comparisons are moot. 

“What is so very special about Rubin is its étendue,” says Guy.

Étendue is French for ‘extent’ and describes an optical system in terms of both its light-gathering ability and its field of view.

“It’s absolutely massive. An order of magnitude higher than any other telescope,” says Guy.

It’s that uniquely high étendue that will allow Rubin to survey the sky so rapidly and deeply, something that neither Keck nor Gemini South could even attempt. 

A limitation of all telescopes is what astronomers call ‘seeing’. It’s the degradation of the image of an astronomical object due to the air mass and the turbulence of the air.

The Rubin Observatory is located in the Chilean Andes to give it optimal conditions for observing the sky. Credit: Rubin Observatory/NSF/AURA
The Rubin Observatory is located in the Chilean Andes to give it optimal conditions for observing the sky. Credit: Rubin Observatory/NSF/AURA

If you’ve ever used a telescope at home and noticed that a planet can look fuzzy one day and clear the next, you’ve already experienced it.

Telescopes with a narrow field of view can correct for this using adaptive optics, but that doesn’t work over a wide field of view like Rubin’s. 

Instead, the Rubin team reduced the effects of seeing by choosing a site where the atmosphere has as little impact as possible.

“We need a site with a calm atmosphere and low cloud coverage,” said Thomas.

Cerro Pachón is also not on many flight paths, so there are rarely contrails from planes to worry about.

The result is the highest possible number of what astronomers call photometric nights – clear, transparent skies with no visible clouds.