By Maggie Aderin-Pocock

Published: Friday, 18 March 2022 at 12:00 am

From the major planets in our Solar System to the very Sun itself, the sphere is the most common shape of celestial bodies, but why is this?

Gravity is the main force that sculpts the Universe, causing the formation of planets, stars and galaxies.

It works over great distances and has no preferred orientation.

It draws matter in from all directions and when matter clumps together it forms a shape that looks the same from all directions. The shape that meets all these criteria is a sphere.

Credit: NASA / Toby Ord

But the force of gravity also distorts the sphere that we would expect to see, meaning most of the bodies that we think of as being round are really ‘almost spherical’.

Take our planet for instance. If I was to travel all around the world from pole to pole, I would have covered a distance of around 39,941km.

If I were to do the same journey, but this time around the equator, I would have travelled an additional 130km.

The Earth bulges at the equator to form a shape close to an oblate spheroid – a slightly squashed sphere.

Why are planets slightly squashed?

The centrifugal force of a chairoplane is a simple way of understanding how a planet’s spin causes it to bulge. Credit: Andrew Williams / EyeEm / Getty

The reason why planets get a bit fat around the middle is due to their rotation about their axes.

Imagine the chairoplane: that fairground ride with lots of chairs hanging down from a central disc.

As the disc starts to rotates, the chairs lift and move outward from the centre or outward from the centre of rotation.

The only thing stopping the chairs from flying off is the chains.

The same thing happens to a planet when it spins. Gravity acts like the chains, pulling everything inwards, but the speed of the rotation pushes everything outwards.

Just like the chairs on the ride moving outward, as a plane rotates on its axis it grows wider around the middle.