December’s top lunar feature to observe
Comets and asteroids
Asteroid Herculina should be an easy spot in Orion and Taurus this month
Star of the month
At the river’s end, Cursa, 2nd-brightest star in Eridanus
Binocular tour
This month, we turn at a T-junction, pop into a house and admire the Christmas Tree
The Sky Guide Challenge
Can you resolve not just the Trapezium Cluster but its fainter hangers-on?
Deep-sky tour
We explore the best celestial sights around Aries, Pisces and Triangulum
At a glance
How the Sky Guide events will appear in December
How to deflect an asteroid
An epic trial run of a plan that may one day save Earth took place in September
Apollo 17
Apollo leaves its final footprints on the Moon in a mission marked by several remarkable firsts