Processing: Framing a dark molecular cloud
How this image of NGC 6729 and cluster NGC 6723 was created
Capture: Imaging NLCs on your smartphone
Coax your phone’s camera into low-light mode and catch ethereal noctilucent clouds
The Southern Hemisphere
Locate Polaris Australis, the ‘South star’, and the False Comet, a collection of stars in Scorpius
At a glance
How the Sky Guide events will appear in June
Deep-sky tour
This month we take in sights in the constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer
The sky guide challenge
We reveal several methods to help with spotting Venus during the day
Binocular tour
This month’s wide-field targets include the Dumbbell and North America Nebulae
Star of the month
Kornephoros, the ‘club bearer’ in Hercules
Comets and asteroids
Comet C/2017 K2 PanSTARRS will brighten favourably throughout June