Some species have very deceptive common names.

Mountain chicken – not, in fact, a chicken

1 HONEY BEAR Not a bear but a member of the racoon family

2 RED PANDA Not pandas at all but instead the only living members of Ailuridae

3 WHALE SHARK Not a whale but a species of shark that can grow up to 18.8m in length

4 GUINEA PIG Neither from Guinea nor a pig. Common names in other languages also suggest a likeness to pigs.

5 BEARCAT Not a bear, nor a cat. Only living species in its genus Arctictis.

6 FLYING FOX Face and colouring reminiscent of a fox but is a ‘megabat’

7 KILLER WHALE Technically dolphins (largest members of the Delphinidae family), not whales

8 FLYING LEMURS Glide rather than fly and not true lemurs, which are only found in Madagascar

9 MOUNTAIN CHICKEN This frog apparently tastes like chicken

10 STARFISH Misleadingly labelled as fish, actually belongs to the Echinodermata phylum