Restoring the extinct thylacine could aid rewilding, but wildlife experts have their doubts

The thylacine was native to the Australian mainland and the islands of Tasmania and New Guinea until hunting wiped it out

PLANS TO BRING BACK THE thylacine or Tasmanian tiger – the dog-like marsupial predator that went extinct some time during the 20th century – have been met with a mixed reception.

A biotech company called Colossal Biosciences, which is also currently working on a project to recreate the woolly mammoth, has announced it is in the early stages of engineering the thylacine using genetic material from dead animals and living relatives.

A thylacine in captivity circa 1930, shortly before it went extinct

“Once we have the engineered cells, we use stem cell technologies and cloning techniques to turn those cells back into a living animal,” says Andrew Pask, head of the Thylacine Integrated Genomic Restoration Research Lab (TIGRR), Colossal’s main project partner.

Scientists hope to use genetic material from the thylacine’s closest-living relatives – the dunnart and the numbat – to engineer a thylacine-like embryo that gestates inside the womb of a Tasmanian devil.

Assuming the ‘de-extinction’ can be achieved, Colossal says returning thylacines to the wild could have huge benefits for Australian wildlife: “Without an apex predator, ecosystems plunge into a series of cascading trophic downgrading effects.”

These include the spread of diseases, more wildfires, proliferating invasive species and loss of carbon storage.

But conservationists contacted by BBC Wildlife challenged some of these assumptions. Tasmanian wildlife conservation consultant Nick Mooney says that the thylacine isn’t needed: “The dingo has been found across mainland Australia for thousands of years and because it can operate in a pack, it is actually a higher order predator than the thylacine.”

Jack Ashby, Australian mammal expert at the University of Cambridge, says projects like this potentially undermine current conservation efforts, not just because they use valuable resources. “Thylacines are gone due to overhunting,” he says. “If we keep saying it can be resurrected, what would that do to our ability to argue against overhunting elsewhere?”
James Fair