Miniature marvel

My picture really shows that beautiful things come in small packages! This tiny fiery-throated hummingbird in Costa Rica – about the size of your thumb – was darting from this branch to the local flowers, and the shot was taken in a moment of rest for it. Although it was raining at the time, some spectacular breaking light caught the hummingbird, showing off its luminous feathers and beautiful colours.

Andy Edge, Essex


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Cold snap

A pod of eight to nine orcas skulked silently through these towering icebergs in the Antarctic Peninsula. They surfaced randomly so it was near impossible to maintain a visual on them, but I was lucky to get this shot after hearing the female exhale as they surfaced.

Ross Wheeler, Cornwall

3, 2, 1…

Sat atop a maturing Queen Anne’s lace flower head, this newly emerged marbled white butterfly was warming up in the early morning sun, ready to take its maiden flight at St Catherine’s Hill nature reserve near Winchester.

Mike Blacknell, Hampshire

A rare embrace

On a trip to Marataba Safari Lodge, we came across these two male white rhinos. At first they were in a cloud of dust so we thought (being males) they might be fighting, but it turned out to be the opposite.

Francois Fourie, Pretoria, South Africa

Seeing red

Being careful not to kneel on a snake or even a bullet ant, I put a macro ring flash kit to good use, along with a macro lens, to capture this tiny blue jeans poison dart frog in a cup fungus on one of my first nights in the jungle!

David Atkinson, Telford

A deer memory

It was a lovely evening sunset on the South Downs. The deer stared at me for about two minutes. I will always remember it – these animals are so fairytale-like; I love them.

Sam Parker, Bognor Regis

Blending in

The large silk moth pictured was seen in the Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo. It measured 14-15cm across – Ihad never seen a moth as large as this before. The head and thorax were white and very fluffy, and a face-on view revealed a face-like pattern.

Claire Waring, Kettering


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