By Kenny Taylor

Published: Wednesday, 10 August 2022 at 12:00 am

Humpback whales are superb singers, and now we know that they can also learn entire songs from other populations of whales in other regions.

A team from the University of Queensland in Australia looked into the ways humpbacks in different geographical populations could match each other’s songs. Using seven years of recordings, the researchers took a deep dive into the details of six song types made by humpbacks from eastern Australia, which were learned a year later by whales around New Caledonia – an island group around 1,200km away.

“We found they actually learned the exact sounds, without simplifying or leaving anything out,” says Jenny Allen, who led the study. “Each year we observed them they sang a different song, so it means humpback whales can learn an entire song pattern from another population very quickly, even if it’s complex or difficult.”


Such copying is remarkable – a bit like a human hearing opera, then singing it back perfectly. It also suggests cultural sharing. Songs are likely being learned on migration routes or at feeding grounds.