Poisons accumulate within animal tissues and exert effects when touched or eaten.
1 POISON DART FROG Toxins are derived from its food
2 CANE TOAD Secretes bufotoxin when threatened
3 PFEFFER’S FLAMBOYANT CUTTLEFISH Has highly toxic muscle tissue and uses warning coloration to deter predators
4 GREENLAND SHARK High levels of poisonous trimethylamine oxide protect it from extreme cold
5 HOODED PITOHUI Poisonous bird with batrachotoxin in its skin, feathers and organs
6 KEELBACK SNAKE Secretes poison in saliva
7 MONARCH BUTTERFLY Toxins are acquired from milkweed
8 PUFFERFISH Almost all species contain tetrodotoxin, a deadly neurotoxin
9 BLISTER BEETLE Poison damages digestive tract if eaten
10 HAWKSBILL SEA TURTLE Poisonous due to its diet of sea urchins and sponges