By Mark Carwardine

Published: Tuesday, 27 December 2022 at 12:00 am

Some people think new technology that allows extinct animals to be brought back from the dead can help fight the current extinction crisis facing life on earth. But the whole concept raises a number of serious ethical issues, not to mention the practicalities involved.

What is de-extinction?

Great news! We can all relax. Extinction isn’t forever, after all.

At least, it might not be for the thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger. The carnivorous marsupial officially became extinct in 1936 and endless searches have failed to find a single survivor. But now scientists from Australia and the USA are working on a multi-million-dollar project to bring it back from the dead through genetic engineering. They hope to create a baby Tasmanian tiger within the next 10 years. 

An Australian hunter with a recently killed thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) in Tasmania, Australia in 1925. © Photo 12/Universal Images Group/Getty

It won’t be the first time an extinct animal has been brought back to life. The idea is shifting from the realms of science fiction to just about scientifically possible. In 2003, geneticists briefly revived the extinct Pyrenean ibex (a subspecies of Iberian ibex). Through complex genetic jiggery-pokery, a living baby Pyrenean ibex was born. It survived for only seven minutes – but for those seven minutes an extinct subspecies had lived again.


The best-known ‘de-extinction’ project is the attempt to turn Asian elephants into woolly mammoths. Put simply, geneticists are cutting and pasting individual mammoth genes that code for specific characteristics (such as cold-resistant haemoglobin, a full-body layer of insulating fat and luxurious fur) into the genome of Asian elephants. The plan is to release the offspring onto the Siberian tundra and leave natural selection to do the polishing.

How would mammoths affect existing ecoyststems? © Getty

Is de-extinction bad for nature?

Advocates argue that de-extinction will help to address the extinction crisis. They point out that the planet is changing too rapidly for existing conservation techniques to save many threatened species, so we have to look at other technologies and novel ways to stop biodiversity loss. They are not playing God, they say, but helping to correct all the damage we’ve done.

I’m not convinced. De-extinction is fraught with some serious ethical and practical dilemmas.

To what extent would the recreated animals actually look and behave like Tasmanian tigers or woolly mammoths (they’ll never be identical to their extinct forebears – they are not clones, after all)? Should the new species be eligible for protection by conservation law or for patenting? Would they know how to behave like wild Tasmanian tigers or woolly mammoths? Would they have enough genetic diversity to sustain a viable population? What impact would they have on the environment they are being reintroduced to?