From tigers to tabbies, today’s cats come in many different shapes, sizes, and temperaments. Their ancestors were just as diverse, if not more so. Here are our top 10 prehistoric cats…


Published: Thursday, 29 August 2024 at 08:01 AM

For as long as humans have existed, we’ve shared our world with cats. Some we’ve welcomed into our homes, others we’ve kept at arm’s length for fear of becoming dinner.

When did cats first appear?

Cats marked their territory long before we did, emerging in Eurasia 30 million years ago (Mya) and 25 million years before our ancestors first appeared in Africa. In the time since, they’ve explored five of the seven continents and established themselves as apex predators in a range of habitats, from tropical rainforests to mountain ranges.

As a group, cats – or Felidae – are known for their retractable claws, prominent canines, striking fur patterns, and powerful, slender bodies. These characteristics are what makes cats ‘cats’, and they’re shared by all of today’s 41 extant species and their roughly 120 extinct relatives.

Top 10 prehistoric cats

A lot of prehistoric cats took these characteristics to the extreme, evolving into stealthy assassins capable of killing giants such as mammoths.

Proailurus – The First Cat