Gruesome warning alert! Here are 10 animals that can kill and eat prey twice their size – often in rather a gruesome way


Published: Thursday, 22 August 2024 at 10:03 AM

When it comes to survival in the animal kingdom, size isn’t always the determining factor. Some creatures possess such incredible strength, cunning or venom that they can take down prey twice their size. 

Here are 10 formidable animals that can overcome much larger adversaries, from the majestic tiger and remarkable Komodo dragon, to the bat-hunting giant centipede and even a beetle larva that reverses the typical predator-prey relationship.

10 animals that can devour prey twice their size


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The tiger preys on medium and large-sized ungulates (hooved mammals) such as deer and wild boar and is typically an ambush predator – waiting and hiding for prey to come close enough.

It can take down prey twice its size and is strong enough to drag away the carcass of a full-grown buffalo. However, only one in 10 of a tiger’s hunts are successful. 

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Native to the more northern and remote regions of the Northern Hemisphere, the wolverine is the largest land-dwelling carnivore in the weasel family.

Like the honey badger of Africa and Asia it is famously ferocious. Although it preys primarily on small to medium-sized mammals it can take down larger deer, including reindeer (caribou) and moose.

Stoat and least weasel