From the deathstalker scorpion to the screaming hairy armadillo, meet the desert animals that thrive in extreme conditions

By Leoma Williams

Published: Wednesday, 01 November 2023 at 13:51 PM

Published: October 19, 2023, 11:46 AM

Deserts are arid, sparsely vegetated, and often barren ecosystems that tend to be pretty hostile to life but these desert animals have managed to make it their home.

Any animal that can survive and thrive in a desert needs to have a host of special adaptations and be able to withstand extremes of temperature and an acute lack of water.

What is a desert?

Deserts are sometimes very hot, but not always. In fact, they can be very very cold.

A desert is defined not by its heat but by its lack of precipitation, and so areas like the Gobi desert in Mongolia, which has an average temperature of below zero, are included.

Here we have chosen ten of our favourite hardy desert animals. Read on to learn more about how they are able to endure their unforgiving homes, from sprinting ants to scorpion-eating bats to snow-consuming camels. 

Desert animals

Sandcat (Felis margarita)

Image credit: Getty Images

Surely the cutest animal you are ever likely to see in a desert, sandcats are small felines native to the stony and sandy plains of North Africa and Southwest and Central Asia.

Although they may look like your adorable moggy, they are far from a tame housecat. Their diet primarily consists of small rodents like mice and gerbils, but they sometimes feed on venomous vipers.

These fearless snake hunters first stun their prey with rapid blows to the head, then finish them off with a bite to the neck. As well as being fierce predators, they must be very hardy to survive the harsh desert climate. 

To survive the heat of the day they dig impressive burrows to hide away in. When they do venture out their paws are protected by long insulating hair, preventing scorching in the day and freezing at night when temperatures can dip below zero.

Check out our cats of the world gallery to see more fascinating felines.

Thorny devil