Feel-good stories are rare in animal conservation, but these ‘back from the dead’ species are a cause for celebration.

By Leoma Williams

Published: Friday, 26 April 2024 at 15:55 PM

It is a very sad thing to realise that a species is no more, that the last member of its kind has now gone. Once a species has become extinct there is no bringing it back. However, sometimes, just sometimes, they can surprise us.

There are a number of species that were once thought to be long gone that have popped up again to astonish us, revealing that they were never really gone at all.

There is a name for these rare creatures – Lazarus taxa. In reference to the beloved friend that Jesus was said to have raised from the dead, Lazarus taxa are species, or groups of species that were thought to be extinct but are then seemingly miraculously rediscovered.

These are not miracles however, as the species that fall into this category tend to share one key attribute – elusiveness. These animals are either vanishingly rare, or simply very hard to find. Restricted ranges and remote habitats often contribute to this. Read on to find out more about these marvels of the natural world.

10 animals once presumed extinct

Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus attenboroughi)