Learn all about bats in our expert guide, from what they eat and how they fly to why they sleep upside down and whether they really are blind

By Bat Conservation Trust

Published: Tuesday, 28 March 2023 at 12:00 am

What are bats?

Bats are the only true flying mammal and belong to the order Chiroptera

How many species of UK bats are there?

There are 17 breeding species of bats in the UK. An additional species, greater mouse-eared bat, is represented by one known individual that has been turning up at the same hibernation site in Sussex virtually every year since 2002.

We don’t know whether it spends the whole year in the UK or whether it spends the summer in mainland Europe where this species is more widespread. A few other species turn up as occasional visitors but with climate change it seems likely that at least one or two of these might become resident breeding species in the UK. The species most commonly encountered are common pipistrelle and soprano pipistrelle, but most parts of the UK will have a range of different species.

What is a group of bats called?

A “colony” of bats is used for a large grouping of roosting bats. One colony may be spread across several roosts. A large number of bats in flight is known as a “cloud” of bats.

How do bats fly?

There are a few other mammals that can glide from tree to tree, for example flying squirrels, but bats are the only mammals with true flight.

Their wings are formed from modified hands with elongated fingers which have a wing membrane stretched across them (bats comprise an order of mammals called Chiroptera which means hand-wing). This gives them extremely manoeuvrable flight. The thumbs are not part of the wing and are kept free for grooming and hanging the right way up (from a human perspective!).

Why are bats protected?

Bats are protected due to evidence of long-term declines, both in terms of numbers and the range of some species, with the biggest changes thought to have occurred over the last 100 years. According to the UK IUCN red list, four of the 11 mammal species native to Britain classified as being at imminent risk of extinction are bats.

Bats are still under threat from building and development work that affects roosts, loss of habitat, the severing of commuting routes by roads and threats in the home including cat attacks, flypaper and some chemical treatments of building materials. Without legal protection we would almost certainly see the decline of more bat species.


Do bats have any predators?

Natural predators include owls and birds of prey, the latter probably increasingly so as light pollution enables them to hunt after dark. However, the biggest killer of bats is the domestic cat – here are some tips for stopping your cat hunting wildlife

Do bats carry disease?

Globally, bats are considered natural hosts of a number of viruses, most of which are not harmful and cannot be passed to humans. Bats don’t host any more disease-causing viruses than any other groups of animals (mammals and birds) of similar species diversity.

Do British bats carry rabies?

The only known zoonotic disease (disease that can impact human health) associated with bats in the UK is rabies caused by European Bat Lyssaviruses (EBLV). There are two known types: EBLV1 and EBLV2. These are not the classical rabies virus, which has never been found in a bat in Europe. EBLVs have only been found in a small number of bats in the UK. There is no risk if you do not handle bats.


Are bats blind?

No, bats are not blind and in fact have good vision. The myth that bats are blind probably came about because many species use sound to navigate around their environment at night, a system known as echolocation. While they use their night vision to get a general impression of their surroundings, they need to use echolocation to pick out finer details including their insect prey.

What is echolocation and how do bats use it?

Echolocation involves shouting very high-pitched (ultrasonic) sounds several times per second and listening to the echoes bouncing off objects around them. This enables them to form a very detailed “sound picture” of their surroundings. They can identify the distance to an object, its size and details, what type of object it is and whether it is moving (e.g. an insect in flight). With their echolocation, horseshoe bats can even identify different species of flying insect based on the speed of the insect’s wingbeats.


Where do bats live?

Bats are incredibly diverse, each species is unique so it’s difficult to make generalisations. Around the world, bats use a wide range of different roosts from carnivorous pitcher plants to hibernating in snow. In the UK, roosts will typically be in trees, buildings, other built structures such bridges and tunnels, and caves and mines.

They will use different types of roosts at different times of year. In the summer, breeding female bats gather together in warm roosts as this will help development of babies in the womb and after they are born. At this time of year male bats tend to roost on their own or in small groups, with a less specific need for warmer roosting locations.

In the winter, when there are few invertebrates for bats to feed on, they move to sites with a cool, stable temperature and high humidity, where they can go into long periods of torpor. This enables them to avoid burning off the fat reserves they have built up before going into hibernation.


How long do bats live?

Relatively speaking, bats are long-lived for mammals of their size. Some can live more than 30 years and the record is 41 years for a Brandt’s bat. This is thought to be partly due to their nocturnal habitats keeping them relatively safe from predators and could also be linked to hibernating for part of the year.

Probably most importantly, bats seem able to avoid many of the ageing processes that other mammals are subject to, and it is thought that studying the reasons behind this could help humans achieve healthier old age.


How do bats reproduce?

Bats usually mate in the autumn but implantation is delayed until the spring. Around April/May time, female bats start to form large maternity colonies within roosts that have the required degree of warmth. In the UK bats typically only have one baby in a year, though occasionally twins are born. Bat babies are known as “pups”.

Birth typically occurs in June. As bats are mammals, they give birth to live young, which at birth are typically 20-30 per cent of the mother’s weight. Bats can give birth while hanging upside down but more typically they will be in a head-up or horizontal position, using their wings and tail membrane to cradle the pup. The pups are suckled by their mothers for four to five weeks until they are old enough to fly. They then begin to venture out from the roost to forage for food.


What do bats eat?

Globally, different species of bat have evolved to eat a wide variety of foods, including nectar, pollen, fruit, invertebrates, blood (the three species of vampire bat found in South and Central America), frogs, fish, birds, scorpions and other bats! All the species found in the UK feed mainly on insects but a few other types of invertebrates, such as spiders, can be included in their diets.