Learn all about the beautiful blue shark

By BBC Wildlife Magazine

Published: Friday, 31 March 2023 at 12:00 am

Also known as a blue dog or blue whaler, blue sharks are stunning, slender and inquisitive sharks that inhabit the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans

What do blue sharks look like?

Their super-streamlined body makes use of counter-shading – the upper body is indigo blue and the underside is white. This coloration hides the shark against the sky when seen from below, and against the deep blue when seen from above.

Their extremely long, conical snout is unmistakable. However, the mouth and jaws are relatively small compared to other requiem sharks in the family Carcharhinidae.

Their dorsal fin is set well back from the pectorals. This is the classic fin seen breaking the surface, but it is smaller and more compact than in related requiem sharks.

Eyes are large and round, with a white surround. Like other sharks, they possess a reflector-like structure called the tapetum lucidum behind the retina, which enhances vision in low light.

Freckle-like pores are scattered over the shark’s head are linked to electrosensory organs known as ampullae of Lorenzini. These pick up the weak bioelectrical fields produced by fish and other prey.

Pectoral fins are very long, slender and pointed. These scythe through the water, providing steering at speed, and also help with balance and positioning.

How big are blue sharks?

They are around 3.8m in length

What do blue sharks eat?

Blue sharks feed on small fish, squid and opportunistic prey, such as seabirds; also carrion, including floating
large mammals