Can earthworms jump? Sounds unlikely but some can says Emma Sherlock

By Emma Sherlock

Published: Thursday, 26 October 2023 at 12:20 PM

Yes some earthworms can jump. Some Asian earthworms, in particular those from the genus Pheretima and Amynthas, are very vigorous muscular animals and can almost look more snake-like than worm-like when moving.

One peculiarity they possess is the ability to curl themselves around and literally launch themselves in the air to escape predation.

British earthworms don’t usually display this same behaviour, but are still capable of moving extremely quickly. When startled, their circular and longitudinal muscles fire and contract rapidly.

This muscular movement, coupled with the animals’ ability to grip onto the soil using tiny hairs (setae), can look very much like they have jumped – usually back into their burrows.

Sometimes, if a worm is half out of its burrow, it can also retract its setae and ‘fall’ back into the tunnel. This process is also extremely quick.

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