By Julia Mata

Published: Saturday, 14 January 2023 at 12:00 am

What is a capybara

A capybara is a large rodent (about the size of a pig) and and a member of the genus Hydrochoerus.

What do capybaras look like?

Capybaras have short legs and an oblong body without a visible tail. Their bodies are covered with sparse rough fur that can range from reddish brown to light brown. Their head is large and elongated with a blunt muzzle. Capybaras have strong big incisors specialized for cutting grass, that grow continuously. Their eyes, ears and nostrils are on the top part of the head as an adaptation to their semi-aquatic lifestyle.

How big are capybaras?

The capybara is the largest living rodent in the world. Adults range between 35 and 65 kg (77 to 143 pounds).

What are capybaras related to?

Capybaras are closely related to guinea pigs and rock cavies. Since they are rodents, they are also related to rats, mice, beavers and squirrels.

Where do capybaras live?


Capybaras are native to South America. They can be found east of the Andes from Venezuela to the La Plata river basin in Argentina.
They are semi-aquatic and spend the majority of their time near water. They can inhabit gallery forests, marshes, wetlands, grasslands and savannahs, as long as they are within close proximity to surface water.

What do capybaras eat?

Capybaras are grazers and most of their diet consists on grasses, they also feed on sedges and aquatic plants. During the wet season, they are selective consumers that choose very palatable grasses. During the dry season, when resources are scarcer, they are less selective.

They also eat their own faeces, this behaviour is called cecotrophy and it is done during the mornings. Cecotrophy allows capybaras to re-ingest the products of their internal bacterial fermentation and therefore for nutrients to be better absorbed.

What eats capybaras?

The main predators of capybaras on land are big cats like jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor), and in the water they are predated by caimans. When they are young they have many more possible predators like foxes (Cerdocyon thous), birds (Polyborus plancus and Coragyps atratus), small cats (Leopardus pardalis) and snakes (Boa constrictor).