Despite its fame and horror film notoriety, very little is known about the anaconda. One man who has got to grips – quite literally – with this giant serpent is Jésus A Rivas… Here he explains what you need to know about this fearsome predator

By BBC Wildlife Magazine

Published: Thursday, 26 October 2023 at 12:46 PM

One of the most feared snakes on the planet the green anaconda is the second longest snake in the world, and the heaviest.

How big is the green anaconda?

The green anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world, with females known to exceed 100kg in weight and reaching 7-8m long. Males are smaller – in fact they are approximately half the size in length.

Where does the anaconda live?

The green anaconda lives in sultry South American ( Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and northern Peru) swamps where temperatures tend to exceed 30°C year-round. Submerged underwater, it is impervious to leeches, bugs and all the other tropical invertebrates that would drive a human out of his or her mind.

What do green anacondas look like?

Olive-green in colour, with dark oval spots along their spines anacondas are designed to perfectly blend into their swamp habitat. They have yellow and black scales on their belly, while there are two dark stripes from their eyes to their jaws.

Their nose and eyes are located on the top of their heads to help aid them see and breathe when swimming in the water.