We explain how mussels are able to cling to rocks without coming unstuck


Published: Monday, 23 September 2024 at 16:40 PM

Wondering how mussels stick to rocks. Mussels are a type of bivalve mollusc and the secret to this vice-like grip is the numerous fine, sticky threads created in the byssal gland located in the foot.

To produce a fibre, a mussel extends part of its foot. It rolls it into a tube then fills it with a concoction of proteins and other substances that subsequently harden into a slender thread.

Byssal threads are strong yet flexible, and help a mussel move around too: it extends and attaches them, then hauls itself forwards.

Scientists hope to create new adhesives by studying their amazing ability to stick underwater, on uneven surfaces and in both fresh and salt water.

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Mussels © Celia Russell