Tall vegetation in midsummer makes it easy to spot the regular paths that wild animals take – and where they rested.

By Steve Harris

Published: Tuesday, 01 August 2023 at 09:02 AM

The tall vegetation in midsummer makes it easy to spot paths and lie-up sites.

Mammals tend to follow specific paths between favoured foraging and sleeping areas.

They also often share paths, but it is easy to identify the main user when the path passes under an obstruction – badger and fox paths will go under logs less than 30cm off the ground, while deer (other than muntjac) require a much taller space.

Footprints can help to confirm your identification.


Deer rings
  • Roe deer sometimes make well-trodden circular or figure-of-eight tracks around trees or bushes. Ring-running occurs most frequently in the August rut.
  • Fallow deer occasionally create circles of bare ground 3m in diameter around old stumps that appear to be the focus of play.
Red deer wallow
  • A wallow is usually found in damp, boggy places and is used in summer by both sexes when they are shedding their coats.
  • A wallow is also used by stags in the rut, when they urinate and then roll in it.
  • Fallow deer leave pungent urine in scrapes – these sometimes resemble red deer wallows.