Check out these stunning winning images of nature in action

By BBC Wildlife Magazine

Published: Wednesday, 01 March 2023 at 12:00 am

The Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers have announced the winners of the Nature in Action Photography Competition.

The winning photograph (below) of a Eurasian sparrowhawk trying to catch a Eurasian Jay was taken by Cecilie Stuedal from Innlandet, Norway


Cecilie said: “Kick the can” features a Eurasian sparrowhawk/spurvehauk (Accipiter nisus) trying to catch a Eurasian Jay / Nøtteskrike (Garrulus glandarius). It was shot with a Nikon D500, Nikkor 180-400mm, ISO 1000, f/4.0 and 1/2500 sec in Dalen, Telemark, in Norway.”

Cecilie has won £100 plus 12 months membership to The Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers (SINWP) organisation.

Colin Jones, The Society’s Director says: “This competition was popular with images coming in from all over the World, Cecilie’s battling birds’ image was chosen as the winning image as the action in mid-air captures the theme of the competition very well.”


John Cumber from Hertfordshire, England took second place with his beautiful image above


While third place went to Ann Aveyard from Hampshire, England