By BBC Wildlife Magazine

Published: Saturday, 14 May 2022 at 12:00 am

With their brightly-coloured beaks, puffins are charismatic seabirds and loved by many.

It has been suggested that we adore puffins, or ‘sea parrots’ as they are traditionally known in northern Scotland, because their rotund features and comical gait on land remind us of human babies. That may be a little far-fetched, but there’s no doubting the affection in which we hold these auks.

Learn when puffins breed, what they eat and the best places to see them in the UK in our expert puffin guide.

What is the scientific name of the Atlantic puffin?

The scientific name of the Atlantic puffin, also known as the common puffin, is Fratercula arctica. 

Atlantic puffin landing on Farne Islands. © Henk Bogaard/Getty

It is one of three puffin species, all belonging to the Fratercula genus. The other two species are the tufted puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) and the horned puffin (Fratercula corniculata).

How big is a puffin?

Despite being pint-sized seabirds at just 27–28cm in length, Atlantic puffins are extremely tough, braving storm-tossed seas throughout autumn and winter, out of sight of land.

Puffins on the Farne Islands, Northumberland. © nyiragongo/Getty

When is the best season to see puffins in the UK?

The UK’s puffins spend the winter out at sea (there’s a reason our puffin species is properly called the Atlantic puffin), so you need to schedule a trip to a breeding colony during spring or summer if you want to see these comic delights.

When is the puffin breeding season?

Adults return to their breeding colonies on grassy cliff tops in March and April, departing again in mid-August, and the sight and sound of a puffin rookery has to be experienced to be believed.

Pair of puffins in nest burrow. © Peter Clayton/Getty

What is a baby puffin called?

Baby puffins are called pufflings or chicks.

An adult puffin guards it’s burrow as young puffin (puffling) peeks out. Shot taken on Skomer Island off the Welsh Coast in the United Kingdom. © Getty

After hatching the puffling remains safely below ground for six weeks before heading to sea under cover of darkness to avoid marauding gulls and skuas. It will be four or five years old before it breeds.

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